torsdag 13 januari 2011

the great escape

we fled the flooding brisbane a couple of days ago, just as the city was being evacuated. guess our timing was good, for once. at first we didn't realize how serious it was. sure, it was raining A LOT, but we accepted the fact that the sun wouldn't shine for us and played like kids in the pools that grew bigger and bigger. the final gig in eumundi was canceled due to the heavy rain in the area and we threw a farewell party at the motel only miles away from the town where people drowned the morning after, struck by a sudden water wall.

yellow brick road
we had fun and did good in the country of oz. hope to be able to return within too long. them aussies sure know how to appreciate music - we adored our colourful crowds! it will stop raining, lands will dry up and you will recover. until then, take care!


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